VIN Decoding

This page will help you to learn how to decode the VIN (Vehicle Identification Number) of Mopars.
First of all lets go over the places that you might find the VIN.
The VIN Tag is located on the dash, drivers side (viewable through the windshield 1968 and newer.)

For quick determination of the type of vehicle you have is as follows, check the third and fourth digit on your VIN number 2 door sedan is #s 21, 2 door hard to is #s 23, Convertible is #s 27, Fastback H.T. is #s 29, 4 door sedan is #s 41 or 43 and Station Wagon is #s 45 or 46

 VIN Decoding - Justmopar  Mopar Weatherstripping


Vin Tag 1968-69
(Click for larger Printable PDF version VIN Decoding - Justmopar  Mopar Weatherstripping
Vin Tag 1970-71
(Click for larger Printable PDF version) VIN Decoding - Justmopar  Mopar Weatherstripping